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Eyeshadow Palette Netral Harga 50ribuan! Just Miss Eyeshadow Palette Umbra

Setelah penantian lama, akhirnya brand lokal ada yang ngeluarin eyeshadow palette yang bernuansa netral. Biasanya rata-rata brand lokal...

Maybelline EyeStudio (Autumn Spirit) Review

maybelline eye studio autumn spirit review

Natural Eyeshadow Palette with the earth tone color never goes out of style. In this post I wanna review my first eyeshadow palette that I ever bought, so just remind you this is not a new hype at all. But if you are Maybelline eyeshadow lover, maybe you wanna read it :p. I just wanna share it with you, In case you're looking for a natural eyeshadow palette and inspiration what to buy.

What I will review is Maybelline EyeStudio in Autumn Spirit. I bought more than 6 six months ago, so I'm not really sure Maybelline still producing this palette or not. Maybe the colors are same but packaging and the name/series are different. I bought it about IDR 90.000 at Hypermart.

maybelline eye studio autumn spirit review
maybelline eye studio autumn spirit review

So, this is the packaging. It comes with a plastic thing. The top lid is transparant so we can see the colors inside. It's very useful if you have many eyeshadow palette because you don't have to open the cap. The cap is not flat, like a diamond form (I hope you know what I mean), and somehow I think that's pretty enough.
It comes with a sponge aplicator too. One side is big sponge, and the other side is small. If you don't have an eyeshadow brush, you can use it.

maybelline eye studio autumn spirit review

On the back side, there's an instruction how to use it. So, if you're a beginner and don't know what to do, this instruction will be helpful.

maybelline eye studio autumn spirit review

This palette consist of four shimmery to metallic colors. Yes, all of them are (too) shimmery. That's why I don't like it 100%. Because I'm not a shimmery thing lover. If you like something that glittery, it suits to you. And be careful to not take the product roughly, because it's quite powdery, especially the glitter.
From left to right :
White shimmery color, champagne shimmery color, brown shimmery color, darker brown shimmery color.

And here's the swactches
maybelline eye studio autumn spirit review

The color's actually quite pigmented but better you use an eyeshadow base first. I think the white and champagne color are pretty. I usually use white color for highlight my browbone and my nosebridge, since I don't have hightlighter at that time. And champagne color is suitable for one color application.

Likes :
- Affordable
- Easy to get at Maybelline Counter or Cosmetic Store
- Quite Pigmented

Dislikes :
- All colors are (too) shimmery
- A little bit of powdery (especially the shimmer)

So, that's my quick review. See you at my next post.

Thank you for reading,


12 komentar

  1. akkk aku juga suka bingung tuh dev kalo semua warnanya shimmery gitu, gak bagus ya dev jadinya glitter smua, tapi suka warnanya oke semuaaaa <3 nice review sayangkuuuu~

    1. iya nih kak ayes, kalo bling-bling semua mata malah kayak disco ball. kalo buat harian kayaknya too much...
      tengkis kak ayes :****

  2. waaa bagus cakep" warnanya tp syg shimmer ya, aq suka warna begitu tp yg matte, tp syg nih klo q pake kykny percuma *baru melek smw eyesedo menghilang, wkwkwkwkw

    1. iya sayangnya dia shimmer semua, padahal yang warna champagne bagus banget :(
      sama aku juga kalo pake eyeshadow cepet ilang apalagi yang shimmer gini *derita punya oily eyelid
      tengkis shaniiii :***

  3. Diriku bingung sama maybelline apa bedanya ini sama hyperdiamonds? Jd pengen semuanya kan.... Suebelllll hahaha... Makasih racunnya dep *cipok*

    1. kayaknya yang hyperdiamonds versi terbaru nya ce :D
      makasiii ce sanny *cipokbalik

  4. shimmering yaa, ak juga lebih suka matte hehehehe <3
    nice reviewww :D

    1. sama ce...aku juga lebih suka matte timbang yg bling bling >.<
      tengkisss ce gitaaa ^^

  5. Aku mau ini... tapi kalau dipikir2 lagi, udah kebanyakan palette netral (dan shimmery) TT_TT

    1. biasa kak, cewek mau ini mau itu padahal udah punya yg sejenis dan ujung-ujungnya ga kepake, kayak aku pingin MUA Undress me too tapi sebenernya udah punya palet netral, hehe >.<

  6. Beberapa kali sengaja sliwar sliwer ke konter mebelin liat quad eyeshadow ini. Tapi udah punya tiga eyeshadow yg mirip ini, dan kayaknya ini nggak wearable buat sehari-hari ya?
    Salam kenal Devi, i've been following your blog. Feel free to visit mine :D

    1. Iya kurang cocok buat daily makeup soalnya terlalu glitter eyeshadownya :)


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